Tag: webdev

Coireacht - Our 3-Hour-ish Hackathon Project at HackYourWayDay

On Friday the 10th of February, myself and my compadre Cian Ruane took part in the HackYourWayDay hackathon in the NDRC that we had seen publicised around the place the previous week. The hackathon was themed around Eircodes, which are Ireland's new controversial postcodes. I'm

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It's a Ghost!

Bhí sé ar m'intinn an blag seo a athrú ar feadh cúpla mhí. Bhuel, tá sé déanta anois. Táim ag baint úsáid as Ghost anois - tá sé deas go leor, simplí, agus FLOSSy. Bhog mé an cuid is mó de na postálacha ón leagan

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The DCU CPSSD site is a wee bit of a shambles. You can ignore the many typos and spelling mistakes; they can be breezed over. You can ignore the dense text and formal language; that's necessary for the sort of site it is. But what

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