Tag: linux

dia-log, a diabetes management system

Context I have type 1 diabetes. It's not a big deal, there are much worse afflictions that can hang on a person. Diabetes just means the occasional pain in the arse (sometimes literally xo). I am supposed to get up early, eat 3 steady solid

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Christmas is over, the wintry skies are still dark, but a new semester has started. Yay! Last weekend I was in Brussels for fosdem 2016, with Redbrick. It was a really incredible weekend. Delirium Nocturnum was great (Tremens less so imho), absinthe led to great

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CPSSD First Semester

I've just finished the first semester of my university course Computational Problem Solving & Software Development (CPSSD) at Dublin City University. I loved it. However, the course is only in it's third year in action, so there wasn't a lot out there in terms of

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2016 Plans

2015 was a great year for my personal development. I started university, I met new people, and I learned a lot. I want to continue that progress in 2016. Here's a list of things I'd like to have done by this time next year. It's

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